Okay, so because of the size I am I must eat rubbish all day, right? Well, I don't think I do really. Firstly, our main meal of the day (dinner) is generally cooked fresh each day using fresh ingredients. We very rarely rely on convenience food as number one son eats what we do so we don't want him growing up on a diet of E-numbers and processed rubbish. Lunch tends to consist of salad and bread - so not exactly bad either.
But there has to be a reason for the weight gain, right? Well, yes, I do have several big downfalls which unfortunately cancel out the good that we do by eating fresh. My two biggest food 'sins' are biscuits and butter. I am a fiend for biscuits, if they are in the house I have to eat them regardless of whether I really like them or not - for example I'm not at all fond of ginger nuts but if they are there, they won't be there for long! A cup of tea is not the same without a biscuit (okay, let's be honest, without three or four). As for butter, I know that I eat far too much of the stuff - thickly spread on fresh bread, packed into a jacket potato, chicken Kiev crammed full of it and I have even been known to dunk my chips in it. We are also very bad, especially at weekends, for suggesting to each other that we get "something nice for pudding". Another problem area, again at weekends, tends to be the consumption of alcohol - lovely, but just full of empty calories.
There are also other forces at play for the lack of downward direction on the weight front. These include:
1) a sedentary job - I am pretty much sat down for 10 hours a day in front of a computer
2) lack of exercise - see point 1 and the fact that when I get home all I want to do is collapse in front of the telly
3) portion control - of all of the issues I have with food, this is probably the biggest
So, what of portion control. Well as I say I think this is probably the single biggest issue with the weight steadily creeping on. I have waaaaay too much food on my plate, I probably do eat enough for at least one and a half, if not two, people. It's all very well eating fresh, home-cooked food but I guess too much of a good thing is still not good.
So the plan for now is to:
1) cut out the "why don't we get something nice for pudding"
2) cut out butter (my god this is going to be a hard one)
3) cut out biscuits
4) portion control - yes, I can feel full on half rations
Okay, plan of action in place, onward I go.
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