Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Dum De De Dum Dum Dummmmmmm

What is that sound you may well ask?  Well, it's the sound of me blowing my own trumpet following tonight's run.  So, another change of plan for tonight (deja vous anyone?) because I had planned to do 9 minute intervals x 3.  But, after much cogitating, I decided 'why not just run and see how far you get'?  So that was the plan, I would set off, run for as long as possible, come back to a walk if needs be and then carry on as soon as I could.  I mapped out a circular route and off I set. 

I made sure I started nice and steady and that was that ...... I made like Forrest Gump.  I ran, and I ran, and then I ran a bit more and before I knew it I was back at the beginning.  I stopped my watch on a reading of 35:14 minutes and it wasn't until I got home and mapped the run that I knew I had run exactly 3.5 miles.   Let me repeat that:

3.5 miles in 35:14 non-stop running

I am so chuffed with myself .... okay, my 10 minute miles are hardly going to set the world alight but I'm still startled at just how far I have come in under 4 weeks.  I am confident of being able to achieve the 10k training plan now even if ultimately I cannot run the whole course, at least I should be okay with the distance.

I also found it so much more liberating not having to worry about intervals and re-setting the clock every few minutes.  I realise that in order to improve speed (which is definitely a goal) I am going to have to do some form of interval training but for today it was great just to run. 

I think the new plan for this week is to repeat the run on Thursday and Saturday to see if I can improve on the time at all .... well, that's tonight's plan, it could all change of course!

Today I have dug out my iPod Nano and I am about to go and put some motivating music on there .... Eye of the Tiger anyone?

Monday, 30 January 2012


Saturday was a rest day so not much to report there .... my body felt fine with no ill-effects from Friday's run so that was good.

So my intention was to try a 10/1/10 interval on Sunday but thinking about it I realised that this would drastically cut down my running time which I obviously don't want to do just to get longer intervals in.  So I have had a think and my plan is now as follows:

Sunday: 7 minute run, 1 minute walk x 4
Tuesday: 9 minute run, 1 minute walk x 3
Thursday: 11 minute run, 1 minute walk x 3
Saturday: 13 minute run, 1 minute walk x 2

This I am hoping will get me ready for the start of the 10k programme.

So, what about last night's run?  Well, it went surprisingly well and the extra two minutes of running didn't make any difference to the speed or my mental state.  I do really enjoy the longer runs and I'm pleased that I managed four intervals (although towards the end of the fourth my legs were getting pretty heavy feeling).  So far, so good with the plan.  Again my only failing last night was to plan a route in advance and I really need to get proactive with this as otherwise I just find myself diving down side roads and paths which makes it very hard to then map the run on my return.  

Having lots of trouble trying to get myself a second-hand rowing machine, I have bid on a few on eBay but always lose out at the last minute.  I really would like to start my cross-training but finances don't yet permit.

Today I am (re)starting the 100 Pushups challenge with my better half .... can't wait to see the results, really hoping that it helps to tighten up my core.  My body shape is really changing with the two stone weight loss  and the running but my tummy after two children in two years is starting to look a bit like a deflated balloon which is somewhat deflating!  

I have just ordered myself a Saucony long sleeved running top as at the minute I am using a couple of manky old t-shirts but this means my arms are really cold even with a running jacket on top.  The new top is meant to be made of some super-doper wicking fabric so I'm looking forward to giving it a go.   

Saturday, 28 January 2012

And Relax ......

Last night was the last run of my 3 Weeks to a 30 Minute Running Habit.  The programme called for:

Day 21: Run 5 minutes, walk 1 minute x 5

So the longest run yet and the half hour that the training planned promised.  I mapped out a 4 mile route and set off.  I know I am not the first person to come to this strartling revelation, but running is also very much a mental sport as well as being physical.  I can tell that my mindset on these longer timed intervals is so different to the shorter ones ...... I can't describe it very well but it's like time is immaterial and I just run .... I'm always surprised when the timer goes off.  On the shorter intervals, the time is all I think about and I can't wait for the timer to go off.  This does not bode well for the interval training I plan to do in the future to help increase my speed!

Anyway, I set off strongly and was going really well for the first three 5 minute intervals.  However, at the end of the third one I started to develop a pain in my side (not as painful as a stitch, but I was aware that something wasn't quite right) so interval four was pretty hard and quite a bit slower.  I wish I had my Garmin Forerunner as I think I started my programme running that bit faster than I have before which may explain the pain in my side.  However, I am very proud that I managed to keep on running (even though I was desperate to come back to a walk) but I was glad of the minute walking interlude when it came.  Interval five was much better, I seemed to get my mojo back and was able to get my speed back up to what I had been doing.  At the end of interval five I was a bit further from home than I had planned to be (and I had dinner to get back to) so after a minute break I decided to do another five minute interval (I know, crazy or what?).  Again, I started off pretty strongly but by about minute four I was ready to stop but I managed to persuade my mind / body to one last burst of effort and made it to the full five minutes.  So I actually managed:

Run 5 minutes, walk 1 minute x 6

Felt really proud of myself (through all the huffing and puffing) and couldn't wait to get home to map it out ...... the total running mileage (not including warm up / cool down) was 3.5 miles so I am well chuffed.  I can't believe how quickly I have improved in three short weeks ... so glad I have kept this blog as it's really motivating being able to look back and realise that not so long ago I was struggling to do 2 minute / 1 minute intervals and I can now run for half an hour albeit with a few short breaks.

So the plan is to now start a beginner 10k training programme in prepartion for the race on 1st April.  I have decided to go with the one on the Running Bug website as it seems to be the one that follows on the best from my starting point:


6 Feb
Week 1
Rest Day
Run 15 mins, walk 1 to 2 mins, run 15 mins
Rest Day
Run 15 mins, walk 1 to 2 mins, run 15 mins
Rest Day
Rest Day
Run 2 miles continuously. Record your time here:

13 Feb
Week 2
Rest Day
Run 18 mins, walk 1 to 3 mins, run 18 mins
Rest Day
Run 18 mins, walk 1 to 3 mins, run 18 mins
Rest Day
Rest Day
Run 5k continuously. Record your time here:

20 Feb

Week 3
Rest Day
Run 30 mins continuously
Rest Day
Run 30 mins continuously
Rest Day
Rest Day
Run 5k continuously. Record your time here:

27 Feb
Week 4
Rest Day
Run 30 mins continuously
Rest Day
Run 30 mins continuously
Rest Day
Rest Day
Run 40 to 45 mins continuously.

5 Mar
Week 5
Rest Day
Run 30 mins continuously
Rest Day
Run 40 mins continuously
Rest Day
Rest Day
Run 4 miles continuously. Record your time here:

12 Mar
Week 6
Rest Day
Run 30 mins continuously
Rest Day
Run 40 mins continuously
Rest Day
Rest Day
Run 50 mins continuously

19 Mar
Week 7
Rest Day
Run 45 mins continuously
Rest Day
Run 45 mins continuously
Rest Day
Rest Day
Run 10k continuously. Record your time here:

26 Mar
Week 8
Rest Day
Run 45 mins continuously
Rest Day
Run 30 mins continuously
Rest Day
Rest Day
10k RACE

It looks pretty tough but doable I reckon.  My only concern is that the very first run calls for running at a longer interval than I am used to ..... I have managed to run for thirty minutes but obviously with a few more breaks.  However, I don't actually start the plan until week commencing 6th February which gives me this week to sort out my intervals so that they align closer with the new plan.  My intention is to have a day off today (Saturday) and then run Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.  Tomorrow I am going to attempt to do a 10 minute / 1 minute / 10 minute interval and then progress from there.  

Wish me luck x  

Thursday, 26 January 2012

The End Is Nigh

Well today is the penultimate day of my Three Weeks to a 30 Minute Running Habit.  Today's session was as follows:

Day 20: Run 2 minutes, walk 1 minute x 5

So a really short easy run tonight except that it wasn't actually that easy.  I think a couple of things contributed to the lethargy that I felt 1) last night's run 2) eating dinner only 60 minutes before the run and 3) the shorter running time.  I do really struggle when I know I only have a couple of minutes to run, I seem to spend my time willing the clock to 0:00.  I can't find my running stride and it all goes horribly wrong.  I have also discovered that it is a definite no-no for me to eat before the run so I am going to have to plan my weekday runs accordingly.

However, I am not disheartened, as I say I think a few things conspired against me tonight and tomorrow is another day. 

On a more positive note my new running leggings arrived today so I was able to give them a test tonight and they are pretty fab considering they were quite cheap (well, compared to others on the site).  They compress the legs slightly and feel much more supportive than my fashion leggings but most importantly they don't have downward creep so the people of Calne can rest easy in the knowledge that I will not be displaying my wears to all and sundry!

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Big Happy Smiles All Round

Hurrah, Monday night's run was not a fluke!  Today's session was as follows:

Day 19: Run 4 minutes, walk 1 minute x 6

My trouble at the moment is I don't really know how much ground I cover during my runs (hence why on Monday night I had to do a detour in order to get the intervals in) which makes it hard to plan a route.  So, tonight's plan was to do 3 runs on the outward leg and then turn around and come back again - this worked surprisingly well.  Once again the run went so much better than I had hoped, I got into the lovely rhythm and just kept on going (even though on the return route there was a pretty strong headwind).  Decided to do exactly as the other night and put the timer in my pocket so I was not tempted to look at it but the time just seemed to fly by. 

I really wanted to see how far I ran so tried using Mapometer to map my route but this reckoned I had covered 4 miles in 30 minutes which I was very sceptical about.  Thankfully I ran the route that I drive for Slimming World so I used the car's odometer to check the distance and this made it exactly 3 miles which I reckon is far more accurate.  However, 3 miles is not to be sniffed at when I think back to Day 1 and doing the run / walk minute intervals and how interminable that felt.  I have already asked my better half for a Garmin Forerunner for my birthday in April as I am a real stats freak and I just know that will help me push myself.

Slimming World was also a roaring success - this week I lost 3 pounds for a total of 2 stone 1.5 pounds in just under two months.

All in all, I have one big smile on my face.

Footnote: On another subject completely, I am going to restart my 100 pushup plan on Monday as my other half has decided to join me .... he did his initial test tonight and managed 8 pushups so we will be starting from very similar points which is great.

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

100 Push Up Challenge

You may remember that several posts ago I mentioned I was going to undertake the 100-Push Up Challenge (http://www.hundredpushups.com/index.html), well today was Day One of the challenge.  I have made a bit of a boo boo to be honest, I thought my new 10k training plan involved a Monday run hence why I didn't start the challenge yesterday but I was wrong, Monday is actually a rest day.  Anyhooo, I thought for this week I would do the pushups on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday and then revert to Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  So, having undertaken the initial test a week or so ago and discovered that I could only manage a paltry 6 pushups in one go, this was the plan for today:

Set 1: 6
Set 2: 6
Set 3: 4
Set 4: 4
Set 5: Max (at least 5)

The plan is to do each set with a 60 minute rest interval inbetween.  Having got myself psyched up I went for it ..... and managed it (although I did only manage 6 pushups as my max).  I'm quite chuffed that I got through it and so far I don't ache - bring on day two.

Today I ordered myself some running tights and a Shock Absorber bra from Amazon ... I have been running in leggings or trackie bottoms and neither of them are ideal as they both ride down and I end up with wrinkles around my knees and a distinct chance that I will show the world my nether regions.  Once I start training for my 10k I shall feel happy describing myself as a 'runner' so I feel justified in spending a bit of money on my running habit.

I also discovered park runs today .... I have seen these mentioned several times in the various running forums I inhabit but didn't realise what it was until somebody mentioned they had a website.  So, being a curious sort of person, I took a look and blow me down with a feather if I didn't discover that there's a park run less than half an hour from me every Saturday and, as an added bonus, it's where my Race for Life is in June.  I have registered myself on their website and aim to do one of the runs in a few weeks as part of my 10k training.  The runs are 5k, take place every week (with fully published results) and, even better, are completely free to enter.  I am well chuffed I discovered about them and would advise any new runner to take a gander:  http://www.parkrun.com/home.

It was nice to have a rest day from running today although I am itching to get out there again to prove that yesterday's run was not a fluke!  Wonder what tomorrow's run will be?

I Can't Get The Smile Off My Face

As the title of the post says, I really can't take the smile off my face following last night's run.  The running plan was as follows:

Day 17: Run 5 minutes, walk 1 minute x 4

I have to admit to being a bit apprehensive about the run all day, especially following on from the previous run where I struggled running two minutes at a time towards the end.  Plus, this was the longest running interval so far.

Anyway, I set off as positive as I could ...... I went to look at a possible new running area (around a large recreational field) however there was no lighting and with no moon last night, the field was pitch black.  So, I decided to do a road run instead .... this was my first road run since probably Day 2 or so.  I set the five minute timer, put the thing in my pocket so I could not be tempted to look at it, and set off ... and kept on going!  I settled into a lovely rhythm virtually from the first step whereas it usually takes me a few minutes to find my mojo.  I managed to keep the rhythm up / down the kerbs, round corners etc and was so surprised when the timer went off.  The following running interval involved a bit of an uphill section (which I had forgotten about when I planned the run in my head) and my heart sank a bit when I realised, however I managed to power up it without any significant change to stride / speed.  The third interval again had several small hills both up and down and I really tried hard to concentrate on my stride.  By this point I was nearly home I'd covered so much distance so another quick detour gave me time to get interval four in - this was pretty much flat but once again I was so surprised when the five minute timer sounded.  This is the first run where I haven't been willing the time to end!  I really felt I could've carried on going and I was tempted to, but decided I really need to stick to the plan as I don't know what the next few days has to offer (apart from today which I know is a rest day)

So what made such a difference last night?  Well, I really wish I knew as I've been struggling lately and on previous runs if I had to do so much as a slight slope my stride and breathing went all over the place.  Something just seem to 'click' last night - perhaps it was because I was on the road, perhaps because the timer was in my pocket, perhaps it was the greater running intervals (I do actually struggle more when the run / walk intervals are shorter) or maybe just because I tried hard to focus on my stride and breathing, but whatever it was I hope it doesn't leave me for my next run. 

When I got home I mapped my run and I covered 2.5 miles so I'm well chuffed .... I was beginning to get quite worried about starting my 10k training as Day 1 is two 15 minute running intervals with a one minute walk interval inbetween and I didn't think I would be ready for this length of run in time (I start my training the first week in February) but I am now much more positive that I can do it. 

Isn't it amazing how fantastic you feel after a good run? 

Sunday, 22 January 2012

Back A Step ....

Well todays run was a bit easier on the old legs:

Day 16: Run 2 minutes, walk 1 minute x 8

The only trouble I find with these shorter times is that it takes me two or three runs to actually get into the swing of things.  From run three to run seven I managed to get nicely into my stride and all felt well but, once again, the last run was a bit of an effort.  In mitigation it was going up hill and I did push myself a bit more so not suprising I was glad when it was all over.

On a personal note, I have decided it's now time to look for another job.  I was made redundant in March 2011 and, through choice, I decided to stay home and look after the kids while my partner returned to work.  However, I really feel that the time has come where the boys need a more stimulating environment than I can provide on a day-to-day basis so it's a case of having to go back to work to pay for a nursery!  Therefore, I spent a couple of productive hours this morning updating my CV and five applications have been sent ... wonder if I'll hear back on any of them with the job market being as it is?

Saturday, 21 January 2012

Four Minutes and Counting

Well today's run was another step up in terms of running time:

Day 15: Run 4 minutes, walk 1 minute x 4

The first three runs went surprisingly well, again I managed to get into a nice rhythm and maintain my speed. I did notice the extra minute on top of yesterday's splits but didn't struggle to get through it. Unfortunately there was a very strong and gusty wind today, luckily most of the time it was a crosswind so it didn't affect me too badly .... I could've wished for a tail wind though! The fourth run was not quite so easy and I struggled for the last minute or so (why does a minute seem to last an hour when you are doing something not that enjoyable?) however I managed to plod on and gained a huge sense of satisfaction from having completed the session. I combined the run with some power walking as well so all in all I'm happy with today's effort.

Friday, 20 January 2012

One Step, Two Step, Three Step, Four ...

Well today's run was a repeat of Day 11 - to recap:

Day 14: Run 3 minutes, walk 1 minute x 5

I can honestly say today was the best run of the training so far .... I managed to get into a really nice rhythm from the word go and at no point did my legs feel heavy and lead like. I ran a new track today, a disused railway line which is very popular with walkers, runners and cyclists alike (although being a Friday afternoon I hardly saw anyone else) so it's hard to judge whether I was covering more ground in my 3 minutes than on Day 11, but I would like to think that I was as my rhythm was so much better and I could feel myself speeding up gradually as the time ticked by. However, having said that, I still have all the speed of an arthritic snail but at least I can keep going for a bit longer than before.

I've been thinking a lot about my training (I use it as a distraction when running) and I know the 10k training plan in 10 weeks is not going to be easy so I need to focus all my energy on it therefore I have decided to drop Zumba for the time being. Although it is fun, I don't feel it is contributing to my overall fitness and in all honesty I don't give it my all after having hurt my hip badly on my first lesson. I have also been thinking about my rest days and what would be best for cross training to help me get my fitness levels up as quickly as possible ..... recommended is swimming (no good as I can't swim), cycling (happy to do this outside when the weather warms up but I detest exercise bikes with a passion), walking (do lots of this already with the dog), yoga (errr, no) and rowing. Having discounted most of the recommendations I am going to go with the rowing option .... it was always my favourite cardiovascular machine when I used to go to the gym and second-hand machines are not too expensive .... watch out eBay, here I come.