What is that sound you may well ask? Well, it's the sound of me blowing my own trumpet following tonight's run. So, another change of plan for tonight (deja vous anyone?) because I had planned to do 9 minute intervals x 3. But, after much cogitating, I decided 'why not just run and see how far you get'? So that was the plan, I would set off, run for as long as possible, come back to a walk if needs be and then carry on as soon as I could. I mapped out a circular route and off I set.
I made sure I started nice and steady and that was that ...... I made like Forrest Gump. I ran, and I ran, and then I ran a bit more and before I knew it I was back at the beginning. I stopped my watch on a reading of 35:14 minutes and it wasn't until I got home and mapped the run that I knew I had run exactly 3.5 miles. Let me repeat that:
3.5 miles in 35:14 non-stop running
I am so chuffed with myself .... okay, my 10 minute miles are hardly going to set the world alight but I'm still startled at just how far I have come in under 4 weeks. I am confident of being able to achieve the 10k training plan now even if ultimately I cannot run the whole course, at least I should be okay with the distance.
I also found it so much more liberating not having to worry about intervals and re-setting the clock every few minutes. I realise that in order to improve speed (which is definitely a goal) I am going to have to do some form of interval training but for today it was great just to run.
I think the new plan for this week is to repeat the run on Thursday and Saturday to see if I can improve on the time at all .... well, that's tonight's plan, it could all change of course!
Today I have dug out my iPod Nano and I am about to go and put some motivating music on there .... Eye of the Tiger anyone?
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