Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Last Night's Run

Well slap my thighs and call me Leslie, last night's run went suprisingly well. It's the first run where I have felt that it wasn't just all a hard slog and I even upped my speed on the last two runs just to start pushing myself that bit harder - I am very pleased, perhaps I am starting to make progress?! It did help that I set the timer to count down 3 minutes at a time and then quickly reset it for the minute walking session and then back up to the 3 minutes ... this meant that the running section was not interrupted and I think it helped me to get into a better rhythm. Today's run is the following:

Day 12: Run 2 minutes, walk 1 minute x 8

So the time has come back down to two minutes but with eight repetitions .... this will be the most amount of repetitions that I have done for longer than one minute at a time. It doesn't sound too bad (famous last words) so I will try and push it a bit more again.

Wednesday is my uber exercise day ... I have already done half hour's stepping on the Wii, I will do the run when Marc gets home and then there's the Zumba class at 7.45pm (just after Slimming World). According to the Wii I have lost weight this week but I shan't be confident on how much (if any) until I stand on the official scales.

I am also going to give this a go - - I know that push ups are meant to be great for the upper body and core strength and they should help with the dreaded bingo wings. I have done the initial test and managed a pathetic 6 with good form (proper push ups mind, not the cheating versions) so I have a long way to go. The training recommends Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays so I am going to start next Monday so I get the correct rest days in.

Back later!!

1 comment:

  1. Doing abdominal exercise, such as crunches, reverse bicycles and push-ups will help you have killer abs as the abdominal fat comes off, but other exercises should be included in your routine as well. With that, you may in fact be able to achieve the perfect abs after some point but this is often coincidentally left out of the advertisements.
