Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Little Miss Disappointed

Well last night's run just about topped off what was a pretty awful day.  Other Half is working long hours so I was home-alone with the boys for 12:30 hours and, over the past couple of weeks, Son One has decided to drop his afternoon sleep which is a real bummer - it was nice having a couple of hours to myself each day.  I am definitely not cut out to be a full-time mum, I don't particularly find it rewarding and it certainly does nothing for my self-worth.  I love my boys dearly but I need more and, if I'm honest, they now need more than just me too.  I really feel that Son One would benefit from some time at nursery so he gets a chance to interact with his peers and this will hopefully bring his communication skills along as he is still refusing to talk (although he does now say the odd word) and he'll be three in May.  Trouble is we understand his funny little ways so I guess as far as he's concerned there is no need to change; hopefully being around others who don't understand his gestures may encourage him to communicate better.  I'm hoping to visit our local nursery this week with a view to getting him in there three mornings a week.  This will then free up some 1-2-1 time with Son Two so he will also benefit from my undivided attention.

Anyway, enough personal problems, back to the running.  I thought I would repeat the run I did on Sunday (5k) to see if I could improve on the time but with hindsight (ahhh, where would we be without it) it probably was not the best night to attempt it.  My head was not in a great place, the run was rushed as Other Half did not get home until gone 7pm and so I did struggle for the first half.  I did actually think I was doing roughly the same speed as before but I must admit my heart rate monitor was telling me the rate was not as high but I was choosing to ignore it.  Clearly though the results speak for themselves:

Distance = 5k
Time = 29:08
Average Heart Rate = 163bpm

So a whole minute and 10bpm slower - not good.  I must say to being really disappointed with the result, I didn't feel like it was so much slower although I did have a few problems at the start of the run.  These only consisted of having to go round pedestrians and not being able to cross two roads when I wanted to because of traffic however, it doesn't take much to put me off my stride, especially if I'm not in the right frame of mind to begin with. 

Tonight is Slimming World and in this past week I have had a chicken kebab, a 3-course meal with loads of alcohol and we went out for a meal to mark out anniversary so I'm not holding out much hope on the losing weight front. 

Think I might just write this week off.

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