Tuesday, 7 February 2012

What A Rum Do

Well today's run was a mixed bag alright.  Thought I would do the same run as on Sunday as I was actually a bit disappointed with myself for coming back to a walk when I did as with hindsight I really could have kept going for a few more minutes at least.  So today's plan was to run as far as Sunday (improve my time if possible) and then keep on going.  Within the first five minutes my traitorous brain was telling me to come back to a walk!  I couldn't sodding believe it, it's a long time since I've struggled as hard as I did today.  Thankfully my bloody mindedness won out in the end and I kept on plodding along - but that is exactly what it felt like I was doing, plodding.  Imagine my surprise when I checked my watch at the point I came back to a walk on Sunday for it to tell me I'd covered the distance in 37:46 which is just under two minutes faster.  You could've knocked me down with a feather; admittedly the going was a lot better, still quite wet but the puddles were dodgeable and so my feet kept mostly dry.  Anyway, this spurred me on to greater efforts and so more running I managed, in fact I managed to keep going for 47:21 minutes today and covered approximately 4.6 miles.  All in all what started out as a very unpromising run came good in the end.

Thursday I am joining our local running club - am wondering about the advisability of that now!  However, I guess I need to take the plunge sometime and this week is as good as any.  I am hoping that running with others will encourage me to run that bit faster - well, that's the aim anyway.  


  1. Well done on the 37:46! When I ran a lot I used to aim for 6'42"/mile. I wasn't a member of an organised running club, but I did run with a small group of people I met through playing badminton.

    1. 6'42"/mile is a time I can only dream of at the minute! I am averaging 10 mins/mile but looking to improve. I am going to focus on getting comfortable at my chosen distance (10k) and will then look to improve on time. First running club meet tonight and I have a bit of a cold but that's no excuse not to get out there (or so my other half tells me!)

  2. I did a 10k up in Wales once. It was won by a Nigerian runner who set off at such a blisteringly fast pace that I thought it was a sprint, but apparently he maintained the pace for the duration of the run. Scary.
