Monday, 27 February 2012

You Take The High Road

Sunday was the day of the long run.  Thought I would mix it up a bit this week and do some off-roading to begin with (seeing as my first 10k race is all off-road maybe it is something I should be practising?!)  So, my run consisted of an off-road section to start with, then back onto normal roads and a few hills thrown in for good measure.  I know.  Really enjoyable run apart from the first mile.  What is with my brain?  I know I can comfortably run 5 miles now so why does my brain tell me that I need to come back to a walk within the first 10 minutes or so of the run.  It's so frustrating as I really have to focus on putting one leg in front of the other and I have to keep telling myself how disappointed I would be if I did give in and come back to a walk - it really is not very enjoyable.  After that first mile or so everything seems to click into place and my traitorous brain gives up thankfully.  Bloody running, it seems to be more psychological than physical.  Anyway, the stats for Sunday's run:

Distance = 6.2 miles
Time = 59:44
Average Heart Rate = 154 bpm

Very pleased with the above - this is the first time I have run the full 10k distance and I am pleased that I managed it in under an hour. 

Rest day today and then tomorrow's plan is to run my 5k route and I am determined to set a new personal best time!

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