The more I think about it, the more I am really disappointed by the whole experience, I was really hoping to be treated as a valued customer especially when you consider the shoes I was buying were meant to be £95 (although I got them on sale for £69) but instead I just felt like I was more of an inconvenience.
Sunday: Today I thought I would try my new shoes out, make sure I got on with them okay. I must say one good aspect of Sweatshop is that they offer a no-quibble 30 day money back guarantee on all their trainers if you find you don't get on with them for any reason; now that's good customer service. As the weather was reasonable, I thought I would do a long run and ended up covering 10.5 miles, all on-road; well I didn't want to get my new trainers muddy, did I? Had a lovely run and the trainers were super comfortable, they provide so much more bounce than my old pair.
Monday: Day off today although not through choice - Other Half not feeling well so he went to bed when I got home from work which put pay to running. Oh well, probably no harm done as I managed to get my long run in yesterday.
Tuesday: Club run tonight but not a great one. Only three of us turned up again (we're like the terrible trio) and we did an off-road run; needless to say my white trainers are now no longer white! Struggled tonight, I keep getting bad stomach cramps which makes running somewhat difficult.
Wednesday: Ran to Slimming World and again a really hard run even though I was in the mood for it. For some reason legs felt very heavy and it was a real struggle to do the four miles to the weigh in. However, great news, another pound off this week which means I have reached my 'Personal Achievement Target' of a loss of 4 st 1 lb so I now have free lifetime membership to Slimming World, a handful of certificates and a metal pin badge to show for all my efforts; take a look at my wall:
Shame we never have any visitors to show it off to! Still, it makes me happy to see it. I do actually want to lost another half a stone but I am now going to concentrate on getting fitter rather than weight loss.
Thursday: Club run again tonight, 8.28 miles off-road. Lovely run but my knees are hurting a bit now. A lot of it was through waist-high grass and I have real problems with running through such going as I naturally have a very low running action (my feet barely skim the ground when on tarmac) so having to lift them higher to stop the grass from grabbing at my legs is a real effort. But it was enjoyable nonetheless, it's lovely running with other people for the company if nothing else.
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