Wednesday Update - Part One
Yesterday was certainly a day of two halves. Early morning I decided to check the bank account to see if I had been refunded some money following the cancellation of a holiday. Imagine my surprise when the balance of our main account was up by over £1500 more than I was expecting. With trembling finger I clicked on the statement button to discover that Her Majesty's Tax Credit department had refunded us to the tune of £1642 (God bless you Ma'am). I have absolutely no idea how any of these tax credits work (does anyone?) but having been made redundant on the 31st March 2011, our income did take a bit of a battering last year. To keep the wolf from the door, Other Half was sent back to work whilst I stayed at home and lounged around on the sofa watching Jeremy Kyle looked after the children. Anyway, around two weeks ago the Tax Credit people sent me a renewal notice which I duly filled in and sent back; I'm Little Miss OCD when it comes to anything to do with money. I guess they must've been working on the previous year's figures (2010-2011 when I was gainfully employed) and the refund was due to the readjustment in our income levels. Whatever the reason though, I have to say it was a lovely and very welcome surprise.
Oh, we also had our £100 refunded by the holiday company.
But something called Sod's Law came into play and yesterday afternoon our telly decided to die a death by turning itself off and flat-out refusing to turn itself back on again. We changed the fuse but needless to say that didn't actually make any difference; mind you, I have never come across any instance where changing the fuse has made an electrical item suddenly spring back into life but one feels obliged to go through the motions. So yesterday evening our local TV repair man came and took our lovely, less than two year old telly away. So far he's not had a chance to check out what's wrong with it but apparently it is likely to be one of two things i) a capacitor has gone wrong in which case it's repairable or ii) the mother board has gone wrong in which case it's not worth repairing. Guess which one I am anticipating it will be?
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