Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics

Okay well as it's the start of the new year, I thought this would be as good a time as any to make a note of my running achievements for last year.  According to my Garmin, my stats for 2012 are:

Number of runs: 186
Distance: 1,177.56 miles
Total Time: 185:35:12 h:m:s
Elevation Gain: 13,695 metres
Average Speed: 6.3 mph
Average Heart Rate: 150 bpm
Calories Burnt: 128,233

My first run with the Garmin was on the 30th April however I actually started running on the 5th January.  Therefore, I've made a conservative estimate of 200 miles between January - March 2012 which brings the total distance up to just under 1400 miles for the year.  Pretty good going if I say so myself.

I also entered the following races:

Race for Life 5k
Heddington 5k
Bowood 10k
Corsham 10k
Kennet Kanter 10 miles
Devizes Half Marathon

My PBs are:

5k - 24:30
10k - 55:23
10 miles - 1:35:23
Half Marathon - 1:48:33

What is clear to see from the above PBs is how I have improved over the year.  My 10 mile race was run in May and was the first time I had tackled that distance.  In fairness it was also a boiling hot day and part of the run included the mile climb up the side of the Caen Locks.  However, 5 months later, in October, I ran the Half Marathon and in theory managed to complete the extra 3.1 miles in 13 minutes!  Looking at the stats for both races:

10 miles completed at an average pace of 9:30 min/miles
13.1 miles completed at an average pace of 8:17 min/miles

However, I have come to the realisation that at 41 years of age I only have so much speed left in me and, what little I have, is not going to get much faster however much effort I put into my training.  But, what I seem to have in abundance, is stamina and am happy to go for hours averaging around 9:30 min/miles so my focus for 2013 has shifted from 10k/10 miles/ half marathons to off-road ultra races!  But more on that to come.

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