Tuesday: Out running with the club tonight and it turned into a mixture of road / footpaths. Really nice run but very hilly and you all know how I feel about hills! Managed to do most of them okay, but one of them just kept going on and on so I was forced to come back to a walk a couple of times. I was advised to try and run it with little steps which I can see the advantage of doing (in terms of the fact that it's better for the muscle groups) however, I was actually able to walk it faster than the person who was doing the little steps! I must say I really like the Tuesday runs, they are very much at my pace (well, some of the club members are, others leave me in their wake) and it's nice discovering new places where I can walk the dog as such a high percentage of the run is off-road.
Wednesday: Not much to report for today, day off from training. I am enjoying The Apprentice once again although by Other Half has gone off it. I do see his point, it's the same tasks every year and pretty much the same candidates (to be honest I think they just recycle the same ones) but it's just great seeing how the 'best business brains' can be reduced to little more than primary school children when they have to work out costs and profit margins. I would've thought these were pretty fundamental skills to running your own business but I never fail to be amazed how something so simple can seem to cause so much anguish.
Managed to lose half a pound at Slimming World, pretty happy with that although I'm most happy about the fact that I didn't put any back on of what I lost last week.
Thursday: Club running tonight, intervals once again. We did something called Anti Madison - basically this involves being paired up with a partner and a football field. The idea is that you run one way round the field and your partner the other way. One of you starts off sprinting and the other jogging and then when you pass each other you swap over ie. the person who was sprinting now jogs and vice versa. Then when you pass each other again, you swap once more ..... and keep following this pattern for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes you change direction and run around the field the other way. It was surprisingly hard especially for the second 10 minutes - I have to admit I'm not sure that looking at me you could tell whether I was meant to be on the jogging section or the sprinting as by this point I pretty much only had the one speed!
Friday: Body conditioning at lunch time today, it's a pretty good all-round work out which is not so high impact that I end up sweating like a pig as I couldn't face the thought of having to shower before returning to work.
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