Saturday: In anticipation of the meal out that we had planned for the evening, thought I had better take the dog out for a bit of a power-walk and work a few hundred calories off. Six miles later both dog and I were suitably knackered. The evening found us in Devizes trying to find a restaurant that we had identified on-line earlier in the day ..... we never found it although we walked up and down in the freezing cold for half hour or so. However, we found another Italian restaurant which at 8.15pm was heaving which I always think is a good sign. Managed to get a table booked for 9pm so went to have a cheeky G&T in the pub next door. Finally, because by this point I was absolutely starving, we were shown to our table and the menu was studied with much enthusiasm. There was so much to tempt me that it was actually really difficult to come to a decision but finally decided to go with prawns sauteed with garlic butter, lemon and white wine sauce followed by roasted fillet of pork stuffed with Parma ham, basil, pesto, sun blushed tomatoes in a red wine sauce and, to top it all off, a pudding comprising of orange Chantilly cream, layers of puff pastry and choux buns filled with creme patisserie. The food was absolutely gorgeous and if you are ever in the North Wiltshire area I can thoroughly recommend this place - Isolabella. Oh, and the restaurant we never found? Turns out that one is run by his wife and having been given directions to it we will be paying that a visit in the next few months.
Sunday: My birthday! After a lovely lie-in I was woken by the smell of frying bacon and came downstairs to be greeted by bacon and egg muffins - heaven. A lazy Sunday morning was followed by a six(ish) mile run in the afternoon. I did a repeat of the run that I did with the running club on Tuesday and I must say it's a really nice run - nicer than I remembered it in fact. It's also very good for the dog as a high percentage is off road and the road bits have very wide verges so he doesn't have to pound along on the tarmac. However, I am sure the run barely scratched the surface of the amount of calories I consumed Saturday night and Sunday morning!
For my birthday I got money from my Mum and my Nana and I am going to be putting it towards one of these - Garmin Forerunner 305. I cannot wait to receive it - I know when it gets here I'm going to be so excited that a little bit of wee may just escape if I'm not careful. It's going to be such a boon for me as most of my running is off-road which makes it virtually impossible to map easily so that I can tell how far I have run. This should do all that and more with ease.
Other Half has bought me a riding lesson / hack which is also terribly exciting - I haven't ridden since I left my job working with hunters and eventers in 1996 to become an office-jockey instead. My plan once I have lost all my weight was to take up riding again but at £25 per hour I'm not sure how feasible that is going to be - many moons ago I was a riding instructor and lessons were £10ph so prices have sure gone up.
Monday: And back to reality ..... pretty boring day, work is still taking time to establish which just makes the day drag. However, I managed to get to my boxercise class and that was fab - it sure does work the arms and core. Dreading Slimming World on Wednesday, my diet this week has been pretty poor so I have a feeling that is going to be reflected on the scales.
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