Tuesday: Put in our offer of £153k which was also rejected after much deliberation (or so it seems). They still cannot make their books balance apparently, the problem being is they are actually selling the house at a loss (they paid £160k in June '07) so why they are even selling is beyond me. It's so hard to know where to go from here as I don't actually think it's technically worth more than the £153k we've offered, however is it worth more to us personally? In truth it's a very nice house and it's in the village we want to live in as the primary school has a great reputation and Ofsted Report and it feeds into a secondary school that is also well regarded so it's hard to know what to do. The other problem is that the lack of housing stock on the market; the village only consists of 450 houses and it seems as though the population is very stable as the last house to sell in the same road was in 2009! This seems to be the story pretty much for the whole village according to the Land Registry site. Looking at the roads where the average house price is in our range, there have been no house sales in the past two years! This would be a long term prospect for us so do we offer another couple of thousand, which although is over the true worth of the house, actually wouldn't ultimately make much difference to us as we're likely to be there for at least the next 7 years or so (if not longer)? Decisions, decisions.
Training wise, did a 3 mile in the morning and then out with the Club in the evening. Boy did I struggle for some reason. I felt ever so slow and sluggish and couldn't keep up with the rest of the group. We only covered 5.5 miles, it was a bit undulating but nothing that I hadn't been able to do before. Felt very deflated to be honest, but I guess we all have bad runs occasionally. I think I felt more disappointed than anything else as I haven't felt like running was such an effort in a long time.
Wednesday: Four mile run in the morning and felt strong and healthy so that put my mind at rest. Slimming World rewarded me with another half pound loss which, considering I have had cake for breakfast every morning this week was pretty much a miracle. Less than half a stone to go to my 'target' weight, it's coming off slowly but surely. Think I might send my story in to Slimming World magazine as you get a free makeover which will be nice; maybe they can work out what to do with my mop of hair!
Thursday: Three mile run in the morning and gave the Club a miss tonight as it's the effort session. I did think about going and just taking it easy but I know my competitive nature would have kicked in and I don't want to risk getting injured for Sunday.
Friday: Five mile run today and the fastest time I have done the course yet. I have knocked over a minute off in the last couple of weeks so I'm pretty happy. I'm not going to set the world alight but it appears as though I am making slow and steady progress.
It has been lovely running in the mornings this week, the weather has been gorgeous and seeing the mist across the valley with the sun on top is just lovely. It does make it a much more pleasant experience.
Tomorrow I am going to be having my rest day (Saturday) and mostly be psyching myself up for the 10-mile race on Sunday. I am confident I can get the distance, just need to make sure I pace myself and keep on going. Really hoping to get in under 1:30 hours.
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