The start was by the Wharf in Devizes and to begin with there was plenty of milling around with no real clue as to where the start actually was. However, with a few minutes to go the organiser and his trusty megaphone did a pre-race announcement (including advising of the fact that there was a fallen tree across the route that could not be removed in time and therefore would have to be treated as an obstacle - interesting!). I had no real idea where to place myself in the line-up, certainly the organisation in terms of that was nowhere near as good as Corsham however, it was a much smaller race. But, as luck would have it, I must've chosen wisely as within a few strides I was up to my racing speed, I didn't have anyone to overtake for a while and nobody overtook me either so all good.
The start of the race, in fact the first few miles, really lull you in to a false sense of security as they are mostly flat or, at times, downhill. However, with age comes wisdom (so they say) and I knew that at some point in the not too distant future we would have to pay for the downhill sections. One comment I would have to make was the complete lack of anything approaching shade on the whole length of the route. This made it a much harder race than it would otherwise have been as the sun was beating down relentlessly and there was hardly any breeze to speak of. The water stations were very much needed (luckily there were three of them in total) but a huge thanks must go to the man at around the 3.5 mile mark who was spraying the runners with water from his hose; I think I was already so hot that I actually started to steam!
Well, my supposition that we would soon be paying for the relatively easy start was realised when we crossed over the canal at around the 5 mile mark and started to climb up the Caen Locks. Oh God, the climb was relentless; over one mile in total. But, through gritted teeth, I did actually make it to the top and ran the whole way; in fact, I managed to run the whole route which, considering my lack of experience at the distance, I am really pleased about. After the Caen Locks the route levelled back down again and, barring a few short, sharp uphills, it remained pretty flat the whole way back to the finish.
I have to say it was a really lovely course, a good mixture of off-road (some trails, but mostly canal towpath) with a few quiet country roads thrown in. It was probably a good introduction to a 10 mile race and I would certainly enter it again next year. Stats wise:
Time: 1:35:22
Position = 109 out of 186
Category Position: 18th out of 46
At mile 7 or thereabouts my body did start to protest, I don't think it could understand why I was forcing it to continue running when we've only raced 10k in the past! I know that if it had been a training run I would've been tempted to come back to a walk but in racing mode I find my mental strength is far stronger and I managed to get myself through the few minutes of doubt. After mile 9 I was in unknown territory but actually it was nowhere near as hard as I thought it might be to keep going. In fact, I was really thrilled as I managed to overtake more than half a dozen people during that long run in and that is always a boost to the old ego especially as most of them were men!
I am really pleased that I entered, even more pleased that I finished in a reasonable time and I have a lovely medal and 1173 fewer calories to show for it.
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