However, in what seems to be the blink of an eye another four weeks of the year have passed so it's now time for another update on my plan to run 2013 miles in 2013. Okay, without further ado:
Target 2 (1st Jan - 25th Feb):
Actual Mileage: 311.12
Balance: +1.43
Woohoo, I'm still ever so slightly up on what I should be but the gap is narrowing. Guess it's time to pull my socks up and get going. Trouble is I am likely to have a low mileage week as this weekend, which would normally be my two longest runs of the week, I will be in Weymouth on Saturday (recovering from Friday night's Super Supper Club) and I have a 10k race planned for Sunday. I will however hopefully be making up for my lack of mileage by the fact that I have a 30-mile night run planned with the running club next week. Eek.
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