Saturday, 23 February 2013

Weekly Catch Up

Sorry for the radio silence this week, things have been a bit hectic at home but not much has actually happened that is worth updating you on.  Tuesday I did a 8.5 mile run in the morning which is longer than I would normally do before work but was in preparation for the fact that on Wednesday I was setting off to Derby at 05:30 hours to attend a two-day workshop and I wasn't sure when I would get the chance to run again.  Wednesday found me cossetted in a rather gorgeous hire car; a Volvo XC60 (look at the vision of loveliness above).  It was less than 6 months old and definitely top of the range as it had all the electric bells and whistles you could possibly ever dream of not to mention a lovely leather interior.  It was worth going all the way to Derby just for the pleasure of driving it.  The ying to the yang however was that, unlike some of the other attendees who were staying in a rather posh hotel, I had to make do with the local Travelodge.  So luxurious was the car in comparison to the hotel room that I almost opted to sleep in that!  It was a sad moment when I had to hand the keys back on the Friday.
I did take my running gear with me and was very pleased that I got the chance to run on both days.  The Travelodge was on the banks of a river and a pleasant mile run towards town along the footpath deposited me in a small park with a path around the edge.  The path was just over half a mile long so 8 laps and a run back to the hotel meant I was able to complete 10k without having to run along unfamiliar roads in the dark.  Despite having got up at 04:30 hours and completed an intense workshop all day my run was surprisingly effective and I was less than two minutes from a PB.  It's such a long time since I have run in road trainers and indeed on a tarmac path that I had forgotten how much easier it is in comparison with running off-road.  Thursday's workshop started at 09:30 hours so I took advantage of a small lie-in and then re-ran the previous evening's course.  Clearly eating a curry at 21:30 hours the night before is not great preparation for a morning run and I was 3 1/2 minutes slower over exactly the same route!  
Friday was a rest day and this morning I ran a very leisurely 7.5 miles as tomorrow it's The Terminator.  I see that they are forecasting freezing weather for tomorrow so the river crossing(s) are going to be a right laugh, not.  Anyone have a welding kit handy, I think the brass monkeys are going to need it.
Race report tomorrow or as soon as I get a chance to thaw out.     

1 comment:

  1. That's a seriously nice motor!
    But I know what you mean about Travelodge - I've stayed in some horrors.

    Hope your Terminator went well.
    You'll be back.
