Sunday, 18 March 2012

Sunday Catch Up

I have absolutely no idea where this week has gone - I definitely seem to be running on a treadmill and getting nowhere particularly fast.  I had great plans when I started the blog that I would update it every day (or at least every other) but I am really struggling to keep up with it.  Obv.

Oh well, a Sunday catch-up it is then.

Thursday:  Calne Running Club night and tonight's intervals were:

2 x 800m
6 x 400m

I also officially joined the club tonight (£20 for 12 months' membership) and I am now waiting to hear back from British Athletics.  Being a member of a running club means I get reduced race-entry fees so that's a good bonus as I would like to try and run a 10k race at least once per month.  Talking of races by first 10k is now only two weeks away - getting slightly nervous!

Friday:  A very long and very dull day today as had to be out of the house from 8am until 5pm as our new baby-sitter was having a dry-run at looking after Sons One and Two prior to looking after them full-time as of next week.  With no car my choices of where to go / what to do were very limited so I ended up taking the bus to Chippenham.  Now, as much as Chippenham is a relatively pretty market town, it certainly isn't a thriving metropolis and I really struggled to waste that amount of time.  I was more than grateful to catch the bus home.

Saturday:  Picked up my new car today and I couldn't be happier with it.  Best of all though they managed to undercharge me by £200 so I was well chuffed!  When I reserved the car the other day, I had to pay a £200 deposit over the phone and then was expected to pay the balance on picking the car up.  However, when I checked the invoice, they had the balance as the total amount and had then taken the £200 deposit off which in effect made the car £200 cheaper.  Very fleetingly I did wonder whether to say something but then I'm afraid I did keep quiet and hurriedly signed the contract before they realised their error.  One up for the little man :)

Sunday:  Drove Pierre to Swindon today as wanted to nip into Next at the outlook village as I had seen a handbag in there the other day that I liked and I also needed a new pair of leggings (size 14 don'tcha know) to replace my existing ones which are now too baggy.  Once again we managed to get there too early so had to end up hanging around waiting for Next to open; I really need to learn to check opening times. 

Today was also my long run day and I decided to run to Chippenham today and then walk / jog back.  Had a great run out and even with having to stop to open three gates and to put Rommel on the lead a couple of times I still managed the following:

Distance = 5.5 miles
Time = 48:54

Very pleased as the going was pretty awful: wet, slippy and muddy.  So slippy in fact that on the way back I managed to loose my footing and fall flat on my face.  Thankfully nobody witnessed my fall!

Tomorrow sees me starting my new job - my last day of employment was the 31st March 2011 so I'm excited about starting a new challenge but I'm also aware that this is the first time since Son One was born (May 2009) that both Other Half and I have worked at the same time;  when I think about all the things we will have to organise on a daily basis I come out in a cold sweat.  I really hope things work out well for us as it will be nice to have two incomes once again as we will be looking to move within the next 6 months and it would be good to buy somewhere rather than have to go into another rented.

Toodle-pip for now dear reader(s), wish me luck for tomorrow.

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